Writeup 14th January 2021 – The path of the comet episode 1

Harvan has lodged you in the town of Dirkuk, the northern seat of the magistrature where he has a house by the magistrate’s buildings.

He has business for the magistrate, leaving you to your own devices. José meets with officers in the precinct and discusses tactics and learns more of the military sciences as they are understood in the Harixan Kingdom.

Farshad investigations into mercantile possibilities, and comes up with three options. A caravan heading to the Spice Lands to buy spices to bring back, somewhat high risk, but high return.

Buying up silks from Hao merchants to trade to the Sardic Empires and Ta-Khemet, fairly certain but lower returns.

The third, metal, weapons and wood to Ta-Khemet, part of their colonial efforts. Risky, as Ta-Khemet’s Nasut (King) is annoying many of his nobles and merchants with the resources bleeding out to fuel their wars of colonisation.

Farshad and those of the group who want to invest decide to divide their wealth into three. Two parts go to invest in spices, the third in Silks,

A week later, Harvan arranges a meal, and explains what he plans. He is still involved in work for the magistrate, and cannot leave for a while.

He and Gunion can puzzle out some meaning from the cuneiform, but the language is that of Ikaihurid, a dead language. However, in the west, in the kingdom of Quulbar is the enclave and free city of Irilun. This city was once one of the furthest reaches of the Ikaihurid empire, and there is a temple with a library and priests and priestesses he believes still use the language of Ikaihurid in their liturgies.

He asks the group to act for him again, travel there, taking the rubbings to the temple and start the translation until Harvan arrives. Harvan will pay, provide travel funds and the services of a translator (Kuldiz), and mules for travelling.

The group decide how to travel, if they head north they can take a ship part of the way, but might have to leave the mules behind. The silk caravan is sharing a third of the route, but it is a longer way, or they can take the shortest route, hugging the coasts.

Although José gets distracted with a treasure map, Utana and Farshad find some rough snippets of information about the journey ahead, and Jushuur has some knowledge of the area from his past.

In the end they decide to cross the border with the Rule of Ishtir with the Silk Caravan, then head north-west. In their last night with the caravan, they are entertained by the guard captain, and wished well for their journey.

Towards the end of the first day, Utana spots a group standing in a circle. Farshad and José investigate, and see a group of worn statues. The statues proved to be part of an arrangement around a covered well.

Resting and watering, despite the noises of animals during the night, they set off, coming to a town two days later. Entering, Farshad, with Utana and José in the background, sees to getting supplies. It is only as he pays for them he realises that is pouch has been lifted. It is only the experience of markets and interactions that let Farshad spot a hand off of the pouch from one street urchin to another.

Farshad followed the recipient to a small house, himself followed at a distance by Utana and José. Farshad clambered onto the roof as Utana went in through the door, spooking the boy who went up the ladder.

On the roof, Farshad attempted to intimidate the urchin, who laughed at him and turned to run, but a good skill across the boys arse with the flat of Farshad’s arse send the urchin flying into the low wall and down in pain. Farshad recovered his money and gave the boy some advice.

The group went to a caravanserai near the town gates, only to find that a healer had set up at a table on one side, with charms, philtres, herbs, pills, spells and talismans.\n\nJose watches him as he appears to cure a limping man with words, a laying on of hands and two pills.

José was curious, and took the man aside, noticed that he seemed confused and drugged. By the time he finished his examination, José was sure that the man was a fraud. He alerted the barman who got two of his burliest regulars to seize the charlatan.

The barman told him that he would hold him for two days. If all was well, then he would release the charlatan with money for his trouble. Money that José would then owe him,

If not, then not.

The group retired to bed and there we left it.

Running jokes of the night centred around Farshad embezzling the investments, setting up Farshad University, selling Farshad camel steaks, building Farshad Tower in Irbuk, with gold toilets, and wearing sharp clothes and driving a flash chariot.

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Writeup 17th December 2020 – Tomb of the Ilkaihurid episode 7

Harvan and Ghushmaya talk before the Kurrim and you leave for the Haraxan Kingdom again, protected from bandits by having a large enough group. As you descend the plateau into the foothills you are met by the magistrate’s troops and escorted first to the fort and then to Irbuk again, still growing as the temporary capital of the magistrate.

Emissaries from Ghushmaya are presented to magistrate by Harvan, others are sent to other Kurrim communities in the Haraxan kingdom, to seek aid and settlers to make a success of their new city.

In their accommodation in the tents of Harvan, Farshad, Jushuur and Utana sort out some of the recovered treasure. The silvered weapons stay with those that found them, Utana keeps his gilded armour, though it is not suitable for everyday wear. Taking some of the treasure, Utana uses some of his contacts in the suppliers for the magistrates forces.

Trading in some of the treasure buys new fangled ring mail shirts in the Western style, Camels for all the group. New Composite bows for Utana and Jushuur and 12 silvered arrows each.

Along the journey, Harvan consulted with Gunion to try and decipher enough of the bronze, gold and silver books taken from the tomb, but the script, though many of the symbols are known, the concepts they represent are not clear.\n\nHarvan thinks that his mentor and tutor Gahzasad in the coastal city of Biriyan, the one who set him on the path to studying magic, to researching the tomb of Gathpaxpes.

In a fortnight Harvan intends to travel to the west, taking rubbings of the books to a temple where there might be those who can help him decipher the mysteries, and he wishes those who served him so well to escort him.

Utana visits the family estates, and impresses his family with the sight of him in his gilded armour, before packing it up carefully as a spare set of heavy armour. He equips his servant in better gear and the servant uses his back pay to buy part shares in an donkey to work the well drawing in this absence.

Farshad is looking into investment opportunities.

Jushuur sends word back to his family in the Kirim peninsula.

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Writeup 3rd December 2020 – Tomb of the Ilkaihurid episode 6

The pierced metal drawbridge was secure and safe as the group crossed it to see the ornate door on the other side, a plain door, no trickery, no lock, but checked all the same by Farshad.

The door opened, a tomb was revealed, surely this was the real tomb, after so any false starts?

There were sconces around the wall, and six statues, depicting Gathpaxpes in various roles in life, as a mortal man, though the tomb sarcophagus, topped with another statue of Gathpaxpes as a being in their final rest, shows symbols of divinity.

The dais of the tomb is filled with empty niches, and more surround the head of the sarchophagus, at either side of the head are splinters and fragments of wood, but the most arresting thing is an engraved set of concentric circles with symbols both of divinity and others, unknown even to Gunion.

The group skirted the circle, gave the statues a once overs when they found a breach in the north wall, a tunnel had been dug up from the river and breached the wall of the tomb, it seems likely that they had smashed the shelves and boxes, stealing grave goods that although mundane would have been constructed of precious materials.It seemed, to Gunion, that they had also emptied the niches of what they had contained. Later Harvan and Guinion, looking over works, figured out that the niches once held holy relics and artefacts, that Gathpaxpes was going to drain power from on his way to apotheosis.

Eventually the room searched, it came to the sarcophagus and, to no one’s surprise, that set things off. Roiling smoke, thick, black and oily came from the sarcophagus and drifted over to the centre of the concentric circles, which it had been figured out was under tubes feeding down from the sacrificial altar in the tomb above.

The figure spoke to each in their head, demanding that they bow down and worship their new god, this figure, a skeletal creature with elongated arms and claws, wings like a bat and a scorpion like tail, did not find ready converts to his divine self, and here was a brief flurry of attacks from those close by the circles against it.

The failed god created a great sword of shadow in one hand and struck with its scorpion tail at Utana, striking him deep, wounding him greatly and causing agony that affected his ability to do anything.

In the ensuing battle Jushuur was also affected by the scorpion strike, though he was not wounded as greatly, and Jose’s bow was warped to uselessness by a spell. Duran shrugged off a spell whose touch he had known before, the same kind of Fear spell that had turned his hair white.

However this creature, strong as it was, powerful as it was, felt the deep bit of spear, arrow, axe, sword and, surprisingly enough, the short sword of Farshad, who seemed to have a special talent for wounding this creature, but it was Jushuur who did two spectacular things, early on he slammed the would be deity back and down with a shield rush and, at the end, he finished the sad, broken, hopeless monstrosity off with a powerful downstroke of his hand and a half.

The thing dissolved into dust, which Jose symbolically decapitated with this silver etched khopesh.

The sarcophagus’s bones were also disrupted, and the thing examined. A switch was found, launching the sarcophagus forward as counterweights were released, revealing stairs down which Jushuur bravely launched himself down, ready to tackle whatever was found there protecting his comrades, and woe betide anyone who says anything different.

I am sure someone shouted down “can you see anything?” And Jushuur replied “Yes, wonderful things”

In here were two suits of armour, about the right size for humans, a spear, a bow, a peculiar sword, 12 silvered arrows, a pile of pouches of coins, seals, and other odd things in bags, three sealed amphorae, a pile of horse tack, and a chest full of other things.

In loads the group took the treasure up, meeting Ghushmaya and two of her people, telling her of the water that she intended to use to make this city into a viable place for a people. She accompanied the group up and told her. Folk, who, ecstactic, sang, danced but, more importantly, helped the group take their stuff to their camp.

There Harvan heard the news with great joy, and they spotted that other things that had been taken from the tomb had been separated into magical and non magical. They started to discuss what to do next and what had been found when the group noticed a dust cloud coming their way, one that resolved into a group of bandits on camels, who surrounded the group.

Outnumbered, with no hope, the last stand or abject surrender seemed the only choices until Kurrim bearing bows appeared at the edge of the city mound, from elsewhere more Kurrim men and women appeared, hunters and warriors, shamans and behind them families and beasts and supplies, the tribe had arrived.

Seeing the fortunes reversed, the bandits fled.

Ghushmaya offered an escort back to Haraxan lands, in part to let communities of Kurrim there know that there was the start of a new home.

Next session, for those that can make it, we can talk about XP expenditure, and outfitting. I will post a treasure list in the meantime.

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Writeup 19th November 2020 – Tomb of the Ilkaihurid episode 5

Outside, Ghushmaya, the leader of the Kurrim, the Mountain Folk, in the temple above had travelled with companions to talk to Harvan as leader of the group. Finding a wounded Jose, much battered, she uses her healing talents to heal Jose, but the inflammation has hit his stamina.

Ghushmaya guides Jose back to the group, but she hangs back at the top of the stairs as she hears the combat going on.

José sees, barely, that something is going on, he has to approach to see Duran firing diver tipped arrow after silver tipped arrow at these slow moving animated corpses. Unfortunately the one he concentrates on is that one who is under control of Gunion.

Farshad and Jushur confuse the undead, the Mabasu as they later learn it is called, battering it between them and destroying it. Outside Utana bravely holds his own, though eventually Jose and Gunion come to his aid, and tackle the second Mabasu that is coming for Utana. There there is a bit of disaster as Jose, using a silver sword borrowed from Dhran, fumbles it through the Mabasu, where it is picked up by Gunion, who also fumbles it where Jose, having fallen to the ground, picks it up again.

Gunion’s Mabasu fights another one, until it is hit soundly by a shot from Dhran, which breaks the spell.

Coming back into the main chamber, Jushuur tries to leap and slide over the mummification table, which he partly does, except he fluffs it, sticking in the remains of the last victim, but he is able to recover and do great damage, aided further by Farshad. And eventually the Mabasu are dispatched though Jose was gravely wounded to near death.

Ghushmaya comes down from her hiding place, and heals Jose at great cost, though not greatly as Jose was so badly wounded.

The chambers are explored, one of which was not finished, and they find the rotted rich robes of councillors and servants, grave goods rotted with age to piles of dust but among the rot and litter several items. Gold and silver wire used in embroidery as well as semi-precious stones. A shortsword decorated with script, claimed by Farshad. A decorated ivory rod of authority, carved with scenes of submission after battle, a silver fillet, three clay tablets in a copper box and an amulet of white stone, slightly green, similar to the jar found before. Ten of the silvered arrows were recovered, five were taken by Jose, five by Dhran.

They proceed through a door and down stairs that lead to a corridor lined with stone sarcophagi, tightly packed and pinned shut. Gunion had a glimpse of , of something, Fearm despair, horror and death.

The group were loathe to open any, but a collapsed wall, spilling down a short scree slope leading to a chasm, was explored by Farshad. He found one remaining sarcophagus that had been on the collapsed wall, but had not slid into the chasm. In that was a corpse in an attitude of trying to escape, seemingly have been immured alive in these sarcophagi.

Proceeding on, the next chamber,, it was large, with bodies on the floor, strange spiral carvings inscribed with symbols possibly from Hao, far to the east, Farshad thinks, having seen coins from that far land.

The room is dominated by two things apart from the strange circular symbols engraved on the floor arranged in a triangle around a central different symbol.

One is a large, perfectly blank bronze slab, obviously a door, though with no sign of hinge or handle. The other is a stone altar, with more carvings, groves in arcane patterns and symbols, Those on the top, at points, lead to funnel shaped holes leading deep into the stone block.

At he back of the altar were statues of the three gods, but now towered over by another statue of Gathpaxpes, crowned with a crown of real gold, set with rubies, arms holding an axe and a sceptre and crossed in the attitude of a king. The sceptre and axe were halted with unblemished iron, free of rust after centuries, but the axe head was solved and the sceptre was topped with gold and more jewels.

Rather than look to the door, the group carefully avoided the symbols carved on the floor, and boosted Farshad up to divest the statue of Gathpaxpes of axe, sceptre and crown. No sooner had he done so than the symbols on the floor burst full of light, then symbol after symbol winked out, starting from the end of the spiral and working in. The group mostly reserved to the door they came in but the last light flared and went out, before the door opened.

Relieved, the group proceeded, finding another corridor and stairs going down. This had a stone ribbon frieze down each side, depicting events from the life of Gathpaxpes our, at least, alleged events. Gathpaxpes was a man, but the events depicted are those of a divine being, strangling monsters in his crib, speaking to monsters as a child, defeating men in combat as a boy, as a teenager subjugating nations aided by spirits.

The corridor at the end of the stairs head back in the direction of the chasm, though further south, and ended in well fashioned edge, some 3 metres or so above a flowing river. A similar edge was four metres away and, backs from the edge a way, was a bronze gate, a slab priced by holes in some pattern that could not be made out.\n\nA cursory look revealed no mechanism or levels, and the group pondered how to bridge the gap, as both sides had been smoothly shaped as to deny purchase to any climber.

Eventually they thought of using the gate as an anchor point, they had ropes, and oils and weapons found in chambers above were made into grapnels. It took about an hour but they were ready.\n\nEach cast a rope, but failed, until Utana cast it true, and it caught. Jose was lowered with another rope, and he managed to ford the icy water. At the other side, bracing himself against a submerged rock, Jose pulled on the grappled rope.

At that point he found that the gate was not a gate, but a drawbridge, his attempt to pull himself up instead pulled the drawbridge down on its hinge. As it came down about 50 degrees down another section sprang out to complete the bridge across the gap.

Managing to catch himself, Juan José was hauled back up to his companions.

And there we left it

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Writeup 6th November 2020 – Tomb of the Ilkaihurid episode 4

I wound the action back to the burial chamber, then the group did the taking back of Jose to be tended by Utana’s servant and the Camel driver and vet, who, apart from Jose is the nearest thing to a healer that you have. Jose being badly bruised by the trap, they decided to draw out any poison from the blood, and applied a poultice of cloth and then camel dung.

Harvan was slightly miffed at not being kept up to date, but he listened as you explained the situation and the Mountain Folk that you encountered. He is happy for you to help them as long as it does not interfere with the work you are doing.\n\nIn the watch, Utana hears hoofbeats and wakes the sleepers, a herd of antelope gallop past and one is severely injured by an arrow from Jushuur. Despatched then gralloched, its meat provides a hearty breakfast.

Enough remains on the carcass to take with the group to present to Ghushamay and the Mountain folk, before heading back to the Burial Chamber. Checking over, only the Antechamber proved to have anything of interest, the large bronze panel, cunningly set into the wall, where the three gods were shown subservient to the lord Gathpaxpes, the three of them holding aloft a shallow bowl that acted as an offering altar.

Eventually Utana managed to slide that to the side, levering open a door to a set of stairs leading below, to the chagrin of Farshad who was convinced that there was a trapdoor somewhere directly under the floor.

Cautiously they proceeded down, coming to a broad corridor running east to west, with three niches each North and South, with plain wooden doors at the end.\n\nIn each niche was a stone statue and all bar the first niche to the north has a smaller niche on the wall in which is set an object. The first has a narrow passage behind it. The group spend most of the time searching the object for traps and taking the objects before turning their attention to the passage.

With much care, under the supervision of Farshad and Jushuur, the objects were examined and withdrawn, only one was trapped, the statues, and the objects before each, were


  • A tall man, as tall as a normal man even while kneeling, with the head and claws of a great cat, a passage behind
  • A cloaked female figure. This statue is hollow as can be seen from the empty space behind the eyes, A metal tablet, connected in some fashion by a metal wire to the statue
  • The god Tikran, as an androgynous figure bearing an axe in one hand and a barbed whip in the other,  an embossed gold plate with a bone flute resting against it


  • A crouching skeletal creature with the head of a lizard, the wings of a bat, long, skinny forearmed ending in hands like bird claws,  a Human skull covered in enamelling set in gold wire
  • A man with the claws of a scorpion and only a single eye in the centre of his forehead, a large, enamelled eye
  • A large statue of Gathpaxpes, clad in armour, a sceptre in one hand and a staff in the other, the hair held back by a fillet,  a whitish-green jar of some translucent material

What these statues showed, nobody knew, but there was a commonality of depiction between the various creatures and the god, as if there was a link beyond just a common sculptor.

All are looted, the trap, seemingly connected to a glass container in the statue bypassed by the cunning use of a brick.

The passage was eventually explored, coming to a small chamber, in which were yet more statues, three of them , made of wood they depicted powerfully built warriors, the wood remarkably not cracked with age and the dry climate.

Each held weapons. One had a spear and shield. One a short hafted axe and a khopesh like sword. The last had a bow, also in good condition and 12 arrows. These were silvered, silver inlaid in the blades and heads, done, sometimes, as a measure against spirits.

The ceiling and walls depicted scenes of the three wooden warriors battling and overcoming not only creatures like those in the hallway, but also other creatures unknown to the group, who were being defeated using the weapons carried. The style of these statues was not the same as those outside, they seemed more wholesome in some manner, and are not connected to the floor.

(Mark left his machine, so Jushuur was not there for the looting.)

Utana took the spear, Dhran the arrows and sword, and Farshad the axe. They noted that each had engraving in the blades into which had been inlaid silver. When he came back, Jushuur took the shield and bow.

The next set of doors were opened up, revealing a large octagonal chamber with a door on each wall, in the centre a table and four marble and onyx pillars. On the table was a dessicated corpse, surrounded by bronze tools, long hooks, scrapers, scalpels, tubes and funnels.\n\nIt is decided to open one of the doors nearest to the entrance, in order to facilitate a quick escape, in doing that, all the doors fly open, with five creatures emerging, one to each door to a small chamber, bar one

The creatures also look like dessicated corpses from the torso up, but are roiling, oily smoke below. They bear weapons and are slow, just as well as the escape plan goes out the window when combat starts. It is quickly shown that not only are these things resistant to damage, they are not easily affected by weapons that are not silvered.

Jushuur lands mighty blows that they shrug off, and even those blows taken from the silvered weapons need to get through an inherent toughness greater than the armour the group wears.

These creatures seem to be amongst those depicted in the small chamber where you found the weapons, being battled by the warriors whose weapons you took.\n\nThe group is chipping away at those they are fighting, though the others are slowly coming closer, but are getting battered in turn.

Gunion has been preparing something while this goes on, then springs into action, ramming three runesticks into the dried flesh of one of the creatures, pronouncing certain syllables. The creature starts, and then turns and moves towards one of the others of its kind, the hail mary pass of the Control Entity spell taking effect. It is injured, but at least it is on your side, for the moment

And we shall pick up the fight next time….

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Writeup 22nd October 2020 – Tomb of the Ilkaihurid episode 3

Having established contact with the Mountain people in the tomb temple, the group sent Dhran back with news of what they had found, and to send Gunion and Jushuur forward. They seemed unconcerned with tales of magic, though they had encountered the Undead, they were more concerned with the divination and horoscopes that had left them to this place as the source of water, and a future. Jose used his healing arts to numb the pain of his wounds, though his faculties would suffer.

They led the group to the central Shrine of the temple, past rooms where the sign of life had returned after centuries, smells of food, work parties, even the snores of the sleeping.

The floor was covered in litter, the only remaining construct an altar, upon which were idols of the three gods that the builder of this place acknowledged. This idol radiated evil, and the group decided to leave it alone, investigating the passage that the desiccated warriors had come from. They proceeded with caution, guile and care, using every means open to them to search by means mystic and mechanical.

There they found a series of lesser servitude tombs, the first two had held warriors, the clay entombment of three remained, these were decapitated before the occupants could be activated.

The next two were carefully explored, both held wooden sarcophagi, carved in the likenesses of the occupants, though one, with staff and tablet had been given a snake like cast the other, with tablet and stylus, that of a jackal. There were also semi-precious beads at the bottom of the snake sarcophagus.

The snake man held a ring on their finger, the jackal held a tablet, both were removed after dismembering those that held them.

At the end of the corridor was a double doors, featuring more reliefs depicting a. Man with the tools of an architect.

That door proved to be trapped, when Jushuur and Farshad opened the doors, a beam swing down, Utana dived out of the way but Jose was slammed three metres into the room, severely winded. Only his soporific treatment prevented further incapacity.

Inside was a bigger tomb, again with nothing in the way of expected grand decoration decorated, but with three grand sarcophagi, two slightly less grand flanking a grander one, each on a dais. The two proved to have two recently deceased Mountain people in miraculously intact and unperished robes, bearing symbols unknown to any there.

The third held a body, bearing the surveying stick and measuring rod of an architect. That body like all the others, was desecrated. The only exit from this tomb, so far devoid of riches or of heaps of powerful mystic objects, was a small room, possibly a shrine, though the only decoration was a large bronze relief of the three gods and the mortal Lord again, with the architect as a supplicant.

At that point, after several hours, and an injured José, the group decided to return to camp, and there we left it.

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Writeup 8th October 2020 – Tomb of the Ilkaihurid episode 2

Camped opposite the oasis that they had been warned against, the group thought about how they might even start to begin to look for a tomb in a ruined city.

Juan José and Utana looked for tracks, and whilst Jose found some leading one way but in the other Utana spotted an outcrop of rock upon which the ruins of a tower stood that might provide a vantage point to see more signs of life or even just some sense of the shape of the city.

Leaving their employer, friends, hireling and camel behind, the four went to the ruined tower.

The climb was managed with cooperation, though the stone of the outcrop had been worked at one point, it had been roughened by time, making it easier, and they found themselves on a stone flagged floor though with a hole in the centre. The walls were ruined, and they could see signs of passage outside the city from this vantage point.

However the hole in the floor as instead them. Utana established that the floor seemed solid, and Farshad lowered a torch down, seeing a seemingly solid floor with detritus and the remnants of the store of a guard tower. Next Farshad himself was lowered sand, although there was rubbish he noted, around the edge of the store, some well preserved spears in a rack, armour of and ancient design and storage vessels, some still sealed. He spotted a flagstone the floor that seemed a little raised, and when he got close, he smelled a horrible smell of rot.

The rest secured a rope and came down, though they should have little trouble helping each other back up. Jose, with his healer skill, thought that this smell, though it seemed at first like rot, was unlikely to be that in this dry climate, and he suspected something recently dead.

The group ruined and abused priceless historical artefacts, or the bronze spear heads of the spears in the rack, their shafts brittle and useless, to lever the flag up. Once it had been counterweighted, but that mechanism had been broken, possibly as a way to seal the flag behind someone.

At the bottom of the hole under the store was a dead man, not a human, an Ulauva, known to themselves as Kurrim, to the Ishtiri as Ulush Kauva, to some as orcs, to the reader as Neanderthals. He was simply dressed, with a gaping slash in his belly, a trail of blood led down a passage that he seemed to have crawled along to die under the ruined tower, sometime in the last day or two. Near the body was a hand axe or Ulauva design.

Under Dhran and Jose’s guidance, they cautiously followed this passage, spiralling down at first, then a sloped down before a climb back up, only at one point seemingly joined by another passage, but that was blocked by an old fall of rubble.

Eventually though they saw daylight, as the passage rose up into a cutting with a stone wall above them on one side, and a square of some sort raised on the other. Farshad climbed up, and spotted signs of recent excavation ahead, the group moved on and found simply made steps cut into the compacted mud and rubble leading to a hole that connected into a stone clad passageway.

This passageway was decorated with figures that seemed to be gods, demons or Demi-gods and a man raised almost to a status of a god amongst lesser men , repeated across various scenes. Farshad’ s torch led them on, heading north until they came to a place where the passage widened into a badly drawn room made more confusing with Roll20 not being properly understood.

Unseen by them, a rope was across the east-west access, and, as they stepped into the space, announced by their flickering light, the rope was pulled west, hauling a barricade clean across the room, from the space revealed staggered five desiccated copses in antique armour carrying bronze weapons.

On the opposite side of the room were more Ulush Kauva the mountain people, behind another barrier, pointing bows out at the group and\/or the corpses.\n\nA combat ensued where the group’s archery was not as effective as the flashing sword and dagger of Farshad, slicing those that should have been dead back to that state. Utana and Dhran did acquit themselves well, doing workman live service. Jose, acting as a bulwark protecting Farshad, Dhran and Utana was not so fortunate, he was meting out damage, but one of the dead, having flanked hum, smashed his jaw with an axe blow.

After the combat was over, and Jose bandaged his jaw shut, they turned to the Ulauva. Their bowstrings slack, Jose offered them the axe they had taken from the body of the dead Ulauva. It seemed for a moment as if violence would erupt again, as the Ulauva argued amongst themselves, with those who wanted to kill the group restrained by those who urged patience.

The talkers won, pointing out that their missing comrade had been injured days ago. They explained that they were here, seeking a source of water and the chance to renew this land and make a home, away from the warring empires. The news that the group were here on behalf of one of those empires, seeking powerful items for one, was not well received.

But there we left it

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Writeup 24th September 2020 – Tomb of the Ilkaihurid episode 1

Irbuk has changed from a down at heels caravan town to a temporary seat of government. Administrators, soldiers, supplies and all their camp followers have transformed the place cavalry and Camelry patrols come and go, companies of soldiers expand out, clearing the area and helping locals secure villages, the next big advance will be to retake the fort at Isimun, reported by Sakah warriors that the group met as having been overrun by Urtak.

Not only must the fort be secured from the Urtak, but the Haraxans don’t want neglect to be used as an excuse by the Sakah to bring the border to the river.\n\nThe advisor to the civil magistrate,Harvan, will accompany the troops retaking the fort, to ensure that if there are any changes to the situation then the magistrate can be informed, but thereafter has a mission of his own to the north, technically in Sakah lands, to a forgotten tomb on a desolate plateau. As this is in foreign lands and the Sakah and the Haraxans are at peace, he cannot take Haraxans soldiery.

The group are therefore the perfect people to protect and assist Harvan. They are a mixed group, with no Haraxans, they have no ties to the magistrate, in effect they are deniable and expendable. They are joined by the footloose son of a Haraxan noble family, Utana, skilled in navigating caravan routes and survinging in the wilderness.

Harvan gives as his reasons to reach this tomb the valuable magic items therein, of value to the magicians of Haraxa as well as Harlan’s own studies. He will pay a daily allowance in silver plus as much gold and non magical treasures the group can carry off. The tomb is of a culture that had invaded the plains and become one of the many empires in the history of this world, worshippers of some ancient and unpleasant gods.

There is a week of preparation before the new garrison sets out, giving Jose time to learn the rudiments of camel handling, Farshad the time to gamble, busk and generally carouse. He breaks even, which is better than might be expected, and gains new friends in both the permanent and temporary inhabitants.

Utana acquires a string of camels from the army quartermaster, perhaps abusing the names of Harvan and Niralha, the magistrate, and a camel driver, but perhaps not the best one.

Gunion firstly spends time in enchantments, with what success she is not saying, but then goes out to seek what knowledge of her destination might be gleaned from the assembled scribes, priests and functionaries gathered around the temporary provincial capital.

In setting forth she is approached by a man in much reduced circumstances, bearing a tablet that he had hoped to sell to Harvan, believing it related to other tablets Harvan had been buying. However Harvan, busy in his duties, is beyond the beggar’s ability to reach, and he seeks to sell it to Gunion. Gunion, seeing his desperation, beats him down to under a third of the asking price, intrigued by the similarity to the cuneiform and language in the archway of the shadow moss caves. He is sure that there is a connection, though centuries apart, the cuneiform is very similar, but the language is more archaic, and hard to decipher.

From this he finds three words that, but the surrounding lines, are names, one repeated four times, Khoram. Another, Alkasus, he had seen before in a fragment of his research that Harvan had shown her, the third, was Gathpaxpes. Rather than seek to have the whole thing translated, she noted the names and sought less savoury scribes among the camp followers, to see if any recognised the names. She spoke to many, of whom half turned her away because she was not paying for services,, others knew nothing, but two described a similar half forgotten legend of the Ilkaihurid, of a master architect, Khoram, who built for many of the nobles of the Ilkaihurid, but who is most associated with Gathpaxpes. Both disappeared, about the same time it is said.

The expedition travels, at the end of the week, to the fort, the group resting there while Harvan checked that all would be well with the commander and that a plan for communicating progress was set up, then the group set forth, Dhran and Jushuur spent time with the camels, learning their ways.\n\nClimbing up to the plateau by an easy route found by Utana, a fire spotted in the distanced proved to be three pilgrims, robbed of supplies by bandits holed up in their holy city. Sharing their fire with our heroes, they were given supplies and a letter of introduction by Harvan in the morning.

Set ting off, Utana found a road, making the going easier, until Farshad spotted a scuttling figure in the distance,, the figure was oblivious to them and they thought it would pass by, for they knew it as a Scorpionman, but they were seen, and the figure approached. They took its raising of shield and axe as a gesture of peace, and some pleasantries, wine and spice dried marmot were exchanged. The scorpion man did give them a warning of an oasis outside the ruined city mound that is their destination.

The rest of the journey was uneventful, save for a giant bat like thing flying over Farshad, seemingly coming from their destination, but that was all.

Eventually, with a good amount of water used, they are now camped at the base of the mound of ruined mud bricks that is the city they are aiming for.

And there we left it.

Posted in DragonQuest, Essence RPG, Known World campaign, Role-Playing Games, RPG, writeups | Leave a comment

Writeup 10th September 2020 – Irbuk episode 4

As Dhran watched the entrance, Gunion examined the archway, studying the characters that Jose had found, carved into the stone. The script was an ancient one, but one still known to scholars, cuneiform. The language was old, but not ancient, and Gunion could puzzle out, to pass all that was necessary was to trace certain symbols.

The room ahead was a large chamber, seemingly impossible for where it was, the ceiling would be higher than the ground outside if sense prevailed. Farshad stumbled ahead, almost falling into a large pool occupying the centre of the chamber over which were flitting the perim sprites. The dived into the pool and exited by a dark passageway.

Juushur dived into the pool, only to find himself gently deposited standing on the floor, the water in the pool being a thin layer under which was fresh, breathable air.

The group passed through the passage into a second chamber, dominated at the other side, guarding an exit, a huge serpent with glowing eyes. The group approached it, Farshad circling right, Jushuur left. They looked, Gunion tried magic, but the spell either failed or revealed everything. The serpent did not show up particularly on Farshaad’s infravision, which is no great surprise as serpents are cold blooded, but the eyes still glowed though it ignored bait thrown by Jushuur.

Light dimly shone through it, and eventually Jose threw hard tack at the thing, it cracked the scaly hide, revealing it to be the discarded skin of a massive constrictor. The eyes proved to be two of the sprites who had changed colour.

The next chamber had a pool with mossy rocks around which the sprites flitted. Jose used his empathy, and the sprites were radiating so strongly that there was no change that he could not read them, there was feelings of loss and fear. The group surmised that the sprites were linked to the moss, and they discussed whether to leave without the moss.

The sprites made it clear that the group could take the moss from one stone, as they did so, the sprites of that moss were enfolded into other moss and nursed by the remaining sprites.

The group thanked the sprites and left, heading back to the marsh village to change, rest and be gifted with delicacies. They promised to pass word to the herbalist Roxyanna to see what aid could be sent to them should they need it.\n\nThe road back was the same as they followed, and this time they encountered Sakah warriors, armoured and ready for war, hunting Urtak. They had followed the infection from the north, noted Haraxan villages empty, a border fort overrun with Urtak, not just the shambling types, but full of demonic power. These Sakah exported them to Absvarh, into which some of the villagers had returned and were fortifying.

The ferry was fixed, so they crossed, arranged for the leather worker to be brought after them to get the cure. The last stage of the journey found an ash pit where a bunch of newly infected had been destroyed, and a couple of armed people were praying against the desecration of fire and earth.

Irbuk was also being fortified, closing off gaps between buildings, with soldiers building stakes. The garrison commander was with a tall women in the robes of a City Magistrate. The group persuaded them they had a cure,, and to let them try. They were given a limited time but Roxyanna was equal to the task. The patients were still guarded until morning came, but their colour returned, their wounds smelled more wholesome, their fever dropped.

The group told the magistrate Nirilha about the Sakah, the villagers of Dalbeh and the villages emptied. She started getting troops out on patrol and told them that an assistent of hers, Harvan, would be there in about four days, and he would have a task for them, if they were interested.\n\nThe group has a week to rest, heal, train and be ready”,

As Dhran watched the entrance, Gunion examined the archway, studying the characters that Jose had found, carved into the stone. The script was an ancient one, but one still known to scholars, cuneiform. The language was old, but not ancient, and Gunion could puzzle out, to pass all that was necessary was to trace certain symbols.

The room ahead was a large chamber, seemingly impossible for where it was, the ceiling would be higher than the ground outside if sense prevailed. Farshad stumbled ahead, almost falling into a large pool occupying the centre of the chamber over which were flitting the perim sprites. The dived into the pool and exited by a dark passageway.

Juushur dived into the pool, only to find himself gently deposited standing on the floor, the water in the pool being a thin layer under which was fresh, breathable air.\n\nThe group passed through the passage into a second chamber, dominated at the other side, guarding an exit, a huge serpent with glowing eyes. The group approached it, Farshad circling right, Jushuur left. They looked, Gunion tried magic, but the spell either failed or revealed everything. The serpent did not show up particularly on Farshaad’s infravision, which is no great surprise as serpents are cold blooded, but the eyes still glowed though it ignored bait thrown by Jushuur.

Light dimly shone through it, and eventually Jose threw hard tack at the thing, it cracked the scaly hide, revealing it to be the discarded skin of a massive constrictor. The eyes proved to be two of the sprites who had changed colour.

The next chamber had a pool with mossy rocks around which the sprites flitted. Jose used his empathy, and the sprites were radiating so strongly that there was no change that he could not read them, there was feelings of loss and fear. The group surmised that the sprites were linked to the moss, and they discussed whether to leave without the moss.

The sprites made it clear that the group could take the moss from one stone, as they did so, the sprites of that moss were enfolded into other moss and nursed by the remaining sprites.

The group thanked the sprites and left, heading back to the marsh village to change, rest and be gifted with delicacies. They promised to pass word to the herbalist Roxyanna to see what aid could be sent to them should they need it.

The road back was the same as they followed, and this time they encountered Sakah warriors, armoured and ready for war, hunting Urtak. They had followed the infection from the north, noted Haraxan villages empty, a border fort overrun with Urtak, not just the shambling types, but full of demonic power. These Sakah exported them to Absvarh, into which some of the villagers had returned and were fortifying.

The ferry was fixed, so they crossed, arranged for the leather worker to be brought after them to get the cure. The last stage of the journey found an ash pit where a bunch of newly infected had been destroyed, and a couple of armed people were praying against the desecration of fire and earth.

Irbuk was also being fortified, closing off gaps between buildings, with soldiers building stakes. The garrison commander was with a tall women in the robes of a City Magistrate. The group persuaded them they had a cure,, and to let them try. They were given a limited time but Roxyanna was equal to the task. The patients were still guarded until morning came, but their colour returned, their wounds smelled more wholesome, their fever dropped.

The group told the magistrate Nirilha about the Sakah, the villagers of Dalbeh and the villages emptied. She started getting troops out on patrol and told them that an assistant of hers, Harvan, would be there in about four days, and he would have a task for them, if they were interested

Posted in DragonQuest, Essence RPG, Known World campaign, RPG, writeups | Leave a comment

Writeup 27th July 2020 – Irbuk episode 3

There were some strange omens abroad, a conjunction of the planets and stars that weighed heavily on the perim, and Jushur and Gunion were strict strangely silent.

Dirya, daughter of Roxyanna, left with Banuk the hunter and his dogs, she could perhaps get help to the wounded leather hunter in time, and pass on warnings on what they had seen so far on their travels.

With Juan to the fore, Dhran to the rear and Farshaad in charge of the beasts, the three tracked through the pass through the hills. The ground grew damper and squelchier as they got closer to the lake before a rocky rise gave them dry feet and false hope for a while then descended with a marshland stretched out before them, in the distance, skirting the edge of the true marsh, they could see a human woman, a human man and a Shevam man walking towards them. Farshaad did a little scouting aside as Juan hailed the newcomers.

The newcomers hailed them back, but the groups were interrupted by six Urtak, not shambling and clumsy, but in control of the idruja daeva, rotting corpses armed with weapons.

The groups did not have a chance to link up, but Juan skewered one Urtak hard, but subsequent melee caused Juan some wounds. Dhran picked away at a far Urtak who cast spells at him, two got through, one lowered his defences, the other jolted Dhran with fear, he spasmed and passed out briefly, coming to with stark white hair. Farshaad tried dual weapons, but later found that concentrating on one weapon was better for him, at the end Juan and he sliced the last fighting Urtak down. The Urtak were destroyed, and the newcomers proved to be from the village of Dalbeh.

After some discussion, the group followed the newcomers to the villages through a twisting but unmarked causeway through the swamp to the village on stilts. This seemed to be the way the guide dog wanted to go in any case. Around the central pool they were led to storeroom where the donkeys could be left, and the group were lead to Babsoryeh’s house. Of course, the woman in the group they met outside the swamp was Babsoryeh. She explained that it would be useless to take the donkeys on the way ahead, the way was too treacherous for the beasts.

Babsoryeh offered to care for the donkeys, for the price of being left one of them. The group didn’t bargain, so that was the price and they sealed the deal in ice wine, a fruity but very intoxicating beverage or, at least Farshaad did, Juan merely sipped and Dhran the White spilled his. Farshaad and Juan found it had healing properties or, at least, they were so drunk they didn’t care any more.

A guide took them to the other edge of the swamp, though the dog was leading them anyway, and they got to a brackish pool, there the dog resumed raven form, flew onto a branch, burst into flame and the ashes fell onto a clear part of the pond, possibly where a clear spring bubbled through.

This seemed to be where the petals, herbs and powders should be scattered, and this was done, the powders and herbs roiled and the perfume of the petals filled the air, as if from fresh flowers.

From the west came a beating of wings, a shape in the skies, a mere dragon, a king of lesser wavers, its tongue darting as it tasted the scent of the flowers. The group were puzzled, was this their sign? But then a group of silver and red metallic twinkling lights came a little from the north, but only a little. They swirled around, and Farshaad went closer to look at them. The lights went away from him and vanished, he found a crack in the rock, hidden by vegetation.

Meanwhile Juan approached the clear pool, where the mere dragon sniffed the water, getting closer and closer, trying to scoop some up in his water skin, the wyvern seized his arm and flinging Juan across the water, it went back to drink. Dhran the White banged on his cup, distracting the wyvern and running away to get the wyvern to follow him, it chased him until Dhran dived under a shelf of earth, into the water, hiding from the wyvern.

The lights reappeared, from the crack in the earth, the group sensed they were some sort of perim, spirits tied to this place, they sang as they left the crack, circled the clear pool a few times, singing and dancing, then returning to the crack in the earth as the wyvern returned drank deep from the pool, then flew off.

Looking at just the entrance, the rock floor is damp where it should be under water, there is a sense of protection about it, and where it leads is definitely dark.

And there we left it, until next time…

Posted in DragonQuest, Essence RPG, Known World campaign, none yet, Role-Playing Games, RPG, writeups | Leave a comment