Author Archives: hurcheon

Write-up 17th October – Art of Darkness

Our heroes, having infiltrated the settlements of the swamp Kurrim and successfully impersonated the scheming merchant Uktannu and his associates, are at a bit of a loss what to do now they are here. To try and placate dissent in … Continue reading

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Write-up 3rd October 2024 – Ancient fears realised

Our heroes, having learned that the Kurrim that the insidious Uktannu was trading with are under threat from a seaborne threat now have a new challenge, what to do with that information. Our cast Farshad – Merchant of the Rule … Continue reading

Posted in Beyond the Brazen Gates, Essence RPG, Essence RPG, Known World campaign, none yet, Role-Playing Games, RPG, RPG | Leave a comment

Write-up 19th September 2024 – Payment sought, payment deferred

What will the group, agents of the state, now the face of the law and administration for the town of Spah and the surrounding county do about the mysterious Kurrim from an unknown settlement to the south, hidden in a … Continue reading

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Write-up 22nd August 2024 – A debt forgiven?

Having captured Uktannu, Uktannu’s ship the “Farshad’s Bounty”  the logs and cargo, all of which pointed to a strange trade with a previously unknown group of Kurrim in the marshes to the south of Spah! There had been Kurrim about … Continue reading

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Write-up 20th June 2024 – Farshad’s four fearlessly foil false foe’s forces

Our heroes cooked up a plan to trap the ship of custom’s duty evader, scofflaw and blackener of Farshad’s name, Uktannu, a Shevam merchant who people compare unfavourably to Ea-Nasir, cheating, stealing, betraying and all using Farshad’s name. They found … Continue reading

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Write-up 13th June 2024 – The Tenacious Three all at sea

Having discovered counterfeit customs seals on goods found secreted in the pack of a pedlar who came to a grisly end, murdered by animated corpses. Tracing the pedlar’s movements, they discovered a cave used by smugglers who mistook Farshad for … Continue reading

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Write-up 30th May 2024 – The Tenacious Three in the Smuggler’s Hole

Coming to terms with a long deserted house and grounds somewhat littered with corpses of former slaves of a demon, the group find themselves interrupted by news from the Capital. Smersh has been granted the status of Databdara, a combination … Continue reading

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Write-up 16th May 2024 – New House, new responsibilities

Having dislodged the demon, Marshiyu-shamawpti from their lair along one path to the afterlife of The Cold Ones, and allowed lost souls to continue their journey, the group have returned to the chapel and Smersh’s descendant, who plans to remain … Continue reading

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Write-up 1st May 2024 – Smersh in the Land of the Dead – Part Two

Having entered the start of the path the souls of adherents of the Cold Ones must follow, they have found many souls too scared to follow the path as a demon, Marshiyu-shamawpti, lurks ahead, devouring those that come clear. They … Continue reading

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Write-up 4th April 2024 – Smersh in the Land of the Dead – Part One

To recap, the Shaman Fetnah and her ally Smersh were frozen in time for 1,500 years, victims of a trap of spirits who refused to pass to the Underworld, a pocket realm of undead slaves serving their undead master and … Continue reading

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