Writeup 22nd October 2020 – Tomb of the Ilkaihurid episode 3

Having established contact with the Mountain people in the tomb temple, the group sent Dhran back with news of what they had found, and to send Gunion and Jushuur forward. They seemed unconcerned with tales of magic, though they had encountered the Undead, they were more concerned with the divination and horoscopes that had left them to this place as the source of water, and a future. Jose used his healing arts to numb the pain of his wounds, though his faculties would suffer.

They led the group to the central Shrine of the temple, past rooms where the sign of life had returned after centuries, smells of food, work parties, even the snores of the sleeping.

The floor was covered in litter, the only remaining construct an altar, upon which were idols of the three gods that the builder of this place acknowledged. This idol radiated evil, and the group decided to leave it alone, investigating the passage that the desiccated warriors had come from. They proceeded with caution, guile and care, using every means open to them to search by means mystic and mechanical.

There they found a series of lesser servitude tombs, the first two had held warriors, the clay entombment of three remained, these were decapitated before the occupants could be activated.

The next two were carefully explored, both held wooden sarcophagi, carved in the likenesses of the occupants, though one, with staff and tablet had been given a snake like cast the other, with tablet and stylus, that of a jackal. There were also semi-precious beads at the bottom of the snake sarcophagus.

The snake man held a ring on their finger, the jackal held a tablet, both were removed after dismembering those that held them.

At the end of the corridor was a double doors, featuring more reliefs depicting a. Man with the tools of an architect.

That door proved to be trapped, when Jushuur and Farshad opened the doors, a beam swing down, Utana dived out of the way but Jose was slammed three metres into the room, severely winded. Only his soporific treatment prevented further incapacity.

Inside was a bigger tomb, again with nothing in the way of expected grand decoration decorated, but with three grand sarcophagi, two slightly less grand flanking a grander one, each on a dais. The two proved to have two recently deceased Mountain people in miraculously intact and unperished robes, bearing symbols unknown to any there.

The third held a body, bearing the surveying stick and measuring rod of an architect. That body like all the others, was desecrated. The only exit from this tomb, so far devoid of riches or of heaps of powerful mystic objects, was a small room, possibly a shrine, though the only decoration was a large bronze relief of the three gods and the mortal Lord again, with the architect as a supplicant.

At that point, after several hours, and an injured José, the group decided to return to camp, and there we left it.

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