Write-up 20th June 2024 – Farshad’s four fearlessly foil false foe’s forces

Our heroes cooked up a plan to trap the ship of custom’s duty evader, scofflaw and blackener of Farshad’s name, Uktannu, a Shevam merchant who people compare unfavourably to Ea-Nasir, cheating, stealing, betraying and all using Farshad’s name. They found out their plans were passed on by a traitor, but still managed to grapple the ship, and are boarding against superior odds. 

Our cast

  • Farshad – Merchant of the Rule of Ishtir, musician and Agent of the Rule
  • Fetnah – Shaman from a long time ago, and a forgotten and lost land, and agent of the Rule
  • Smersh – Larcenous Priest from long time ago, and a nation long gone, Databdara (Magistrate) and agent of the Rule
  • Utana – Noble of the Rule of Haraxa, Agent and Acting-Databdara (Magistrate) of the nation


  • José Juan – Foreigner from the far west, warrior, healer and Agent of the Rule
  • Arpaesis – From the far western land of Ta-Khemet, student of Arcane Lore, and agent of the Rule, currently studying books of Lore
  • Dhran the White – of humble origin in Ishtir, warrior, agent of the Rule, currently studying in the capital and trying to unionise
  • Jalabu – Noble of Dilmun, Merchant-Adventurer and agent of the Rule, currently coming to terms with his inner demon, literally

Although José Juan’s player was absent, as his usual tactic is to stand off and plink with arrows, so his character was given to Phil, who runs Utana, and Smersh and Fetnah came back from the side of the boat, where they were being a bit sea-sick, to join in.

Fetnah, as fresh as she gets, invoked her Shamanic powers, with her customary “Thou who would do me harm, begone!” , affecting all the enemies who could hear her to suffer a penalty to all their Success chances, as they would be unable to get away from her. This had a serious effect on the enemy, who often missed their attacks, parries and saves just because of this spell.

Combat was joined, given the area battlefield, armour was light, which meant that any wounds suffered would have the potential to be grievous. Initial contact was mad with Farshad, Utana and Smersh on the enemy ship, but it was inconclusive. However the traitor on the Council of Spah revealed themselves. Chief of the fisher folk, Fram, steered his boat close on the other side of the merchant ship, and six Kurrim warriors leapt onto the merchantman.

Six were dressed in the fashion of the Zhuezhi gang members they had met in the town of Khanedarya, the others were clad in simple cloth tunics, their faces and bodies tattooed in unusual designs, the cries of the newcomers were strange to Utana, who spoke the ancient tongue common to many Kurrim across the world, it seemed similar but words and idioms were odd, but their intent was clear, and it was not friendly.

Concerned about Uktannu’s magic, they kept him engaged, having seen already that José Juan’s arrows could not bite him, between light armour worn and either a spell laid upon them or of his own making.

Whilst arrows flew, Fetnah and unnamed smuggler number 6 (they were named, that was Imrim) chugged the same javelins back and forward, or so it seemed, Smersh found that the speed of his dagger against unarmoured foes, Utana laid about him with his sword, José Juan sniped away. Utana did resist the temptation to slay both Farshad’s, let the Godsknow their own.

Farshad, however, grappled with Uktannu, who was unable to break free, over time tightening his grip, and avoiding rescue attempts by the marines, until he could get a knife to Uktannu’s throat and call for the others to lay down their weapons.

The threat caused the others to hold, through they did not lay down their weapons, instead they retreated to Fram’s ship and made off, pursued by other boats.

Other boats contributed crew for the cargo ship, and, after binding Uktannu to the mast and gagging him, they made back for Spah.

The cargo proved to be the expected spices, but also unusual plant extracts and weapons and armour. Nothing much better than the group had, apart from the buckler Fetnah took, but enough to equip 40 Kurrim warriors well. They assumed Kurrim as the helmets were shaped to fit their heads.

The ship, cheekily named “Farshad’s Bounty” was impounded by Smersh, in his official capacity, awaiting disposal in some manner. The food from the vessel, the stuff still edible, was taken off, the rats were left alone and Uktannu imprisoned.

There was also logs of travel and cargo found, which backed up the supposition that the weaponry came from the Land of a Thousand Gods, and that the weapons were destined for a location in the marshes down the coast, Uninhabited as far as anyone knew, save an accompanying map showed some villages and a route through the swamp.

In the final discussion before the group settled for the night, Farshad gave an impassioned speech, about the unwarranted and unearned abused heaped upon him as a result of the deprecations of this false Farshad, that even his companions were prone to, without cause, and that a fitting disposal of Uktannu would be to hand him over to Jalabu’s cousin,  Hamid bin Khawla al-Malmuntaqim al-Maqqaniyy, His theory being with the true culprit of the debts owed to Jalabu’s family Jalabu would be free of the debt he had taken upon himself.

And there, for a couple of months, we left it

Smersh’s player was complaining of bad rolls, but Fetnah’s spell converted some critical successes into failures, as that happens when  the roll is exactly your chance, and the chance was lowered so the roll was too high. Boo Fetnah, boo!

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