Write-up 13th June 2024 – The Tenacious Three all at sea

Having discovered counterfeit customs seals on goods found secreted in the pack of a pedlar who came to a grisly end, murdered by animated corpses. Tracing the pedlar’s movements, they discovered a cave used by smugglers who mistook Farshad for their boss Uktannu, a cruel and evil master, with no respect for the dignity of his employees, so the mistake was perhaps forgivable.

Leaving with the information that Uktannu and the next ship is expected in few days, the group have gone back to plan their next move. 

Utana swaps out for Jalabu, to keep the number at three

Our cast

  • José Juan – Foreigner from the far west, warrior, healer and Agent of the Rule
  • Farshad – Merchant of the Rule of Ishtir, musician and Agent of the Rule
  • Utana – Noble of the Rule of Haraxa, Agent and Acting-Databdara (Magistrate) of the nation


  • Arpaesis – From the far western land of Ta-Khemet, student of Arcane Lore, and agent of the Rule, currently studying books of Lore
  • Dhran the White – of humble origin in Ishtir, warrior, agent of the Rule, currently studying in the capital and trying to unionise
  • Jalabu – Noble of Dilmun, Merchant-Adventurer and agent of the Rule, currently coming to terms with his inner demon, literally
  • Fetnah – Shaman from a long time ago, and a forgotten and lost land, and agent of the Rule
  • Smersh – Larcenous Priest from long time ago, and a nation long gone, Databdara (Magistrate) and agent of the Rule

Utana, beaten down and exhausted after a few days trying to clear up after the recent horror, and establishing anew order in the town of Spah and surrounds, staggers into the   the temporary accommodation and offices that Farshad has set up, almost unable to keep his weary eyes open to take in the sight of  Farshad and José Juan enjoying some leisure amongst some of the workers from the the estate offices.

Slumping into a stool, his muscles betraying him, he is restored with some food and drink brought over by the other two, as they regale the events of the previous day.

However Utana has little time to rest before his, and the others’, presence is requested by the Council of Spah, along with Mina, Lieutenant of Cavalry, and Imintakar, a customs officer. These groups are offering what help they can to tackle the smugglers, including a couple of large boats and some crew. There is some concern about security, and regrets from the group that they just can’t use magic to solve all their problems.

In the subsequent discussion, a plan is hatched out, Council member Aruch, and other hunters, will watch the landward exits from the caves. On the nights the ship is expected, Council leader Dehra and the militia together with Mina’s cavalry will be ready on the landward side. Council member Shirzan will command a boat with the group and some other crew, Imintakar and Customs officers on the other, smaller boat. Despite the skepticism of Council member Fram, some fishing boats will work with the customs men to try and hem in the ship.

Taking the next day to prepare, the group are disturbed by a messenger from the hunters, they had spotted someone hurrying from the direction of the town to the caves, staying a while then returning. The group searched the area, and found a secret and dangerous path down the cliff. Farshad looked out to see if there were any obvious vessels close, but these are busy sealanes

There were ships of shapes and sizes

And I thought I heard gulls calling
As the sailors pulled away
Farshad must have seen them
As down the path he filed

Farshad led the way down the path, and promptly fell off it, catching himself only with a very temporary grip. José Juan and, against his better judgement, Utana, got Farshad up as his fingernails were giving up the ghost.

They found a small beach, against which a small boat could be beached, and an iron ring, somewhat rusty into which it could be tied up. There was no clue as to who the messenger could have been but it seemed there was at least one traitor in the town.

There was no time top interrogate the whole town, the first night that the smugglers were expected was here, and they set off.

Phoenician MerchantmanThey were lucky, the ship arrived on the first night. A merchantmen, it obviously intends to beach at the cave, however it sends a signal to the shore.

An answering signal comes back, obviously one it did not like, as the ship started to turn away, at which point the group closed in.

Despite Farshad attempting to disembowel his friends, and anyone else within reach with his grappling hook, eventually the ship was grappled and the crew pulled them in, as Utana and José Juan injured a couple of crew with archery (archery against the unarmoured can be deadly)

The crew of the smuggler ship got ready, as Farshad and Utana leapt aboard, seeing a Shevam looking much like Farshad readying a spell of some sort and there we left it, next time for battle proper!

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