Brittannia Games

a) I wish to submit the following materials for consideration for publication by Brittannia Game Designs Ltd, subject to all of the conditions below. Working title of submission and brief description:
  • I submit my materials voluntarily and on a non-confidential basis.
  • I understand that this submission by me and its review by Brittannia Game Designs Ltd ("BGD Ltd"), does not, in whole or in part, establish or create by implication or otherwise any relationship between BGD Ltd and me that is not expressed herein.
  • I further understand and agree that BGD Ltd, in its own judgement, may accept or reject the materials that are submitted with this Disclosure Form and shall not be obligated to me in any way with respect to my submission until BGD Ltd shall, at its own election, enter into a properly executed written agreement with me, and only then according to the terms of such an agreement.
  • I agree that BGD Ltd may have a reasonable period in which to review this submission. BGD Ltd will return my submission to me provided that it is received by BGD Ltd with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. BGD Ltd shall not be held responsible, however, for items or materials that are accidentally damaged or lost.
  • I hereby agree to retain a copy of the submitted materials. I understand and agree that the review by BGD Ltd of the materials that accompany this Disclosure Form does not imply or create:any financial or other obligation of any kind on the part of BGD Ltd, any confidential relationship or guarantee of secrecy, or any recognition or acknowledgement of either novelty or originality. I also understand and agree that if the submission utilises or is based on characters, settings, or other materials that are owned by BGD Ltd or if the submission contains trademarks and/or other proprietary materials that are owned by BGD Ltd, then I shall not be free to submit the submission for publication to any person or firm other than BGD Ltd unless with their prior, written permission.I warrant that the submission (tick one):
  Has never been published
  Has been information on back of this form (name of publication, date etc and if possible provide a copy.
I further warrant that the submission is original, and that its publication will not violate the rights of any third party, and that the person identified herein as the submitter is the sole owner of the submission.
Furthermore, I am of legal age and am free to make agreements relative to this submission, or I am the authorised representative of the submitter:

Signature: ___________________________ Relationship to author if not author: ______________________
Date: _______________________________
Please type or print the following:
Submitters name: ________________________________
Telephone: _____________________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________

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