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News Releases
21st December 2003 | Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Eid, Diwalli, Yule, Saturnalia or some other Mid-Winter festival this time of year is a time for reflection, enjoyment and regression.
With this in mind Francis Tiffany has produced this PDF with two old-school monsters from the dankest, deepest dungeons for you to scare your players with in some old-fashioned dungeon bashing. Get the Hguyto and Oen-hguyto here |
1st July 2003 | Just a note to advise fans of C&S that we have revised the way that we publish product. Following a poor year where we were hit by a cash flow problem, we have rethough the way that we print our products. The way forward has a less heavy impact on cash flow and will allow us to look at a higher release schedule once things get moving. The new look will include product moving to a perfect bound format and all being well being advertised through Amazon.
The first of the new look product will be the re-print of "Knights Companion" which to all intents and purposes is now out of print (with the exceptions of a few copies here in the UK and a few at Mystic Station). The second release will be "Rocket Jocks", a chance to play in a game in the true manner of space opera, of the form promulgated by the old 1920's and 30's black & white serials of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon. We then look towards the winter when we shall be releasing the "Art of War" wargames rules for C&S. Paul Vissing will hopefully be demonstrating this at Gencon. The final release of the year will be the "Duchy of Maks" a Kingdom expansion for Marakush by By Guy-Franck Richard & Jean-Marc Pinaud We are currently looking for fans of C&S The Rebirth, very conversant with the rules to assist with the development of current products in production. Ideally these individuals should be based in Europe (any US volunteers should get in touch with Mystic Station). Any enquiries should be sent to Marakush@aol.com |
13th Jan 2003 | Brittannia Game Designs Ltd plans to hold a C&S get together at Dudley the
first weekend in May (Bank Holiday). Saturday will be an all day C&S gaming
session with Sunday as a day out at the Castle over the road from the hotel
(the castles re-enactment group should have events on). This will give the
chance for Q&A about C&S etc.
To be held at the Station Hotel in Dudley, this will be an intensive C&S experience, and if completely mad the designers may even try to run the largest game of C& S ever run (All delegates?? - may need assistant GM's for this one). For more details contact Marakush@aol.com Please be aware that this is not Dudley Bug Ball ressurected, this will be for C & S gaming only with previews and playtesting of products in production. |
13th Jan 2003 | C&S TR and Heroes of Marakush Character generation worksheet aded. Find it on the Heroes of Marakush page. | ||||||||||
12th April 2002 |
Announcing "Heroes of Marakush", an open campaign for Club and Convention. Find out the details on the Heroes of Marakush page. | ||||||||||
16th February 2002 | now released, BGD's first CD-Rom edition of a classic Chivalry and Sorcery product. The long-awaited and much asked for Bireme and Galley. | ||||||||||
19th |
New character design step-by-step guides with worked examples of Fighter and Mage. In the Extras section of our Download part of the Website or directly from here. | ||||||||||
8th July 2001 |
Now released "Treachery" a scenario by Brittannia's own Steven Turner. Find yourself embroiled in a feud between warring clans on an Island previously famed for its peaceful nature. Suitable for both C&S The Rebirth and C&S 3rd edition this adventure also has statistice making it suitable for "HarnMaster" |
17th June 2001 |
Brittannia's second translation of it's free C&S Essence Game, now here in Italian. Ora in Italiano, C&S Essence un'introduzione di cinque pagine all'interpretazione di ruolo con C&S. (221Kb). Gioco completo basato sui concetti di C&S, ma con sistema differente. Together with an Italian character sheet. La scheda del personaggio in Italiano per i giochi Essence |
7th February 2001 |
Free Victorian RPG, Vis Imperium Victoriana, now available from the downloads page. |
24th November 2000 |
4th edition of Chivalry and Sorcery, C&S: The Rebirth. was released at the London Dragonmeet RPG convention |
20th October 2000 |
Due out 25th November 2000 4th Edition Chivalry and Sorcery |
9th September 2000 |
Out Now |
2nd July 2000 |
Out Now |
Out Now Tthe new Dwarves companion, and a range of official C&S figures (pictures will be provided soon). |
14th April 2000 |
Coming Soon Due for release at the Dudley Bug Ball (6th May 2000) are the new Dwarves companion, and a range of official C&S figures (pictures will be provided soon). |
15 December 1999 |
12 November 1999 | Press release concerning relationship between BGD, Mapleleaf Games and Gamestuff Inc HERE | ||||||||||
07 October 1999 | Now available "Where Heroes Fear to Tread", a scenario featured at the 1999 UK GenCon. Details HERE NOW! | ||||||||||
28th August 1999 | Check the Downloads Page for "Druids" for C&S Light. Available both in English and Italian HERE NOW! | ||||||||||
16th July 1999 | C&S : The Knight's Companion is OUT NOW! | ||||||||||
29th June 1999 | C&S : The Knight's Companion has been delivered to the Printers | ||||||||||
28th June 1999 | C&S : The Knight's Companion
will be delivered to the Printers tomorrow
This long awaited C&S and C & S Light guide to Knighthood, Chivalry, Religious Fighting Orders and the running of a feudal estate is to be delivered to the printers on Tuesday 2th June 1999 |
12th March 1999 | C&S Light has been shipped | ||||||||||
18th February 1999 | C&S Light goes to the printers on 22nd February
and is released on 8th March. There, we can't be more specific with release
dates than that. (We are at a show on the 6th and 7th March where C&S
Light will get its pre-release.)
As we are heavily involved in organising Dudley Bug Ball we are hoping to have Knights out in time but we will not make any pronmises we can't keep, this is a desire, not what will be. As well as C&S Light (at US$ 9.95) we shall also be selling the C&S starter pack at US$ 24.95, consisting of the C&S Light rules, Marakush and the C&S Light GM Screen. |
7th December 1998 | We now have Highlander Designs 3rd Edition and Fantasy Games Unlimited 1st and 2nd products in stock. To find see what we currently have and the price, head to the Backlist Page | ||||||||||
23rd November 1998 | The language of Urtish, the principal language of the The Dragon Reaches of Marakush. Get it from the DOWNLOAD page. |
Dated: 23rd October 1998 Dudley, UK | PRESS RELEASE | ||||||||||||||||||
Brittannia Game Designs Ltd (a UK private limited company) are pleased to announce, that following negotiations with Highlander Designs, they have purchased the rights to the Chivalry & Sorcery Role Playing Game. Brittannia Game Designs Ltd look forward to ensuring Chivalry & Sorcery remains in the market place into the next millenium. Further announcements regarding future product releases will be issued shortly.
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